New Collection


Author: Norazla Abdul Wahab
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: 9789675472398
Synopsis: The Empowerment of Women, Children and Families in Malaysia: Islam and Laws Perspectives contains 11 articles involving discussions from various angles of women, families and children. Therefore, as the editor of this books, the writer believes that the readers can obtain useful input as the result of useful sharing from those mentioned earlier.


Production Design Visual Design for Film and Television
Author: Peg McClellan
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN: 9781138185425
Synopsis: Production Design: Visual Design for Film and Television is a hands-on guide to the craft of Production Design and Art Direction. Author Peg McClellan gives an insider’s view of the experiences and challenges of working as a Production Designer in film and television.


Encik Pembunuh
Author: Hilal Asyraf
Publication Date: 2019
ISBN: 9789672208150
Synopsis: “The members of dark world called him ‘Izrail’ because every time the organization of the dark world falls, he is the one who responsible for it. He has killed 900 lives. However, Faisal is fed up with the blood and begins to be discouraged from continuing his life. As his mental turmoil reached its peak, Amirah, his old friend appeared. Faisal took drastic action, proposing to her right away. Wanting Amirah to be his wife, accompany him and help him out of the darkness. At the same time, the Black Organization, by Faisal himself, has a secret agenda. Will Faisal manage to save himself?



Jika Mawar Pudar Warna
Author Aulia Iman
Publication Date: 2014
ISBN: 9789670246659
Synopsis: Here is the story of Amira, the innocent and naive girl. Because of her naivety, she has lost the price of an innocence. One night with Edrian and she has lost everything. Love and a future! "I thought Asyraf is a noble man that will be able to accept me for who I am! But as the wedding day is getting nearer, he left me without any reason! I lost hope to trust anyone in the name of man! And there comes him, Taufiq. A young man who worships status and ranks. He agrees to make amends of Amira's innocence. Moreover, Amira's father, Dato' Amri gives an offer to him; Kristal Property will be given as a dowry. There's no space for Amira in his heart, except for a responsibility for her. To spend a life being married to a naive person, makes him to be totally changed. Once a serious, easily-angered and strict man has now changed. His life is now colored with smiles and teases.


Tom Clancy Shadow of the Dragon
Author: Mark Cameron
Publication Date: 2020
ISBN: 9780593188095
Synopsis: Aboard an icebreaker in the Arctic Ocean a sonar operator hears an unusual noise coming from the ocean floor. She can't isolate it and chalks the event up to an anomaly in a newly installed system. Meanwhile, operatives with the Chinese Ministry of State Security are dealing with their own mystery--the disappearance of brilliant but eccentric scientist, Liu Wangshu. They're desperate to keep his crucial knowledge of aerospace and naval technology out of their rivals' hands. Finding Liu is too great an opportunity for any intelligence service to pass up, but there's one more problem. A high-level Chinese mole, codenamed Surveyor, has managed to infiltrate American Intelligence. President Jack Ryan has only one choice: send John Clark and his Campus team deep into China to find an old graduate student of the professors who may hold the key to his whereabouts. It's a dangerous gamble, but with John Clark holding the cards, Jack Ryan is all in.