Messier 105 belongs to the group of elliptical galaxies of Hubble type "E1" and was discovered in March 1781 by Pierre Méchain.. A 10th mag galaxy which is a true companion of M105. It was not terribly dimmer than M105 and was quite resistant to light pollution..

Messier 105, also known as NGC3379 is an E1 elliptical galaxy. It is still forming new stars but very slowly. It is approximately 36 Mly away and can be ....

Messier 105 (M105, NGC 3379) is the brightest elliptical galaxy in the Leo I or M96 group of galaxies, and as such approximately 36 million .... Messier 105 (NGC 3379) is a nearly “perfect” elliptical galaxy located 32 million light years away in the constellation Leo. M105's “perfection” is due to the ....