We discover an emission filament north of the virial radius, r_{100}, of A3391 connecting to the Northern Clump and extending south of A3395 .... Context.Inferences about dark matter, dark energy, and the missing baryons all depend on the accuracy of our model of large-scale structure evolution..

The Abell 3391/95 galaxy cluster system: A 15 Mpc intergalactic medium emission filament, a warm gas bridge, infalling matter clumps, and (re-) accelerated .... M 95 Galaxy in Leo. M95 (NGC3351) is a 11.4mag bright galaxy in Leo with an apparent size of 3.1´x 2.9´.It is one of several galaxies within ....

The total projected length of this continuous warm-hot emission filament is 15 Mpc, running almost 4 degrees across the entire eROSITA PV observation field. The ....